17/12/2021 - 19/12/2021

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Welcome Note

Dear colleagues,

Naousa’s Orthopaedic Department proudly invites you to the “Naousa 360° Foot and Ankle” meeting.

The meeting will be held from the 17th until the 19th of December 2021 at Naousa’s “ERIA Centre”.

This meeting is under the auspices of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology and the Hellenic Foot & Ankle Society, Section HAOST.

Additionally, distinguished members of the Balkan Foot and Ankle Society have been invited as speakers.

This meeting is designed to provide a thorough knowledge update on the Foot and Ankle problems, analyzing topics such as ankle arthroscopy, F&A fractures, and congenital and acquired deformities of the foot.

An expertise faculty will embark on a special session for Total Ankle Replacement also.

On the first day (Friday the 17th), esteemed faculty will share their experience with junior doctors on current Foot and Ankle problems, diagnosis, and treatment, through a combination of lectures and live surgery at Naousa’s General Hospital.

A lesson for ultrasound F&A blocks and hands-on sawbones will also happen.

We are looking forward to your warm participation as we are more than confident that you will join this meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Best regards,

Alexandros Eleftheropoulos MD

Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Consultant
Head of Orthopaedic Department
Naousa’s General Hospital
Central Macedonia, Greece

President of Hellenic Foot & Ankle Society
Secretary-General of HAOST

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To access On Demand lectures, please log-in with the e-mail and password you received with the instructions during your registration.

Welcome Note

Dear colleagues,

Naousa’s Orthopaedic Department proudly invites you to the “Naousa 360° Foot and Ankle” meeting.

The meeting will be held from the 17th until the 19th of December 2021 at Naousa’s “ERIA Centre”.

This meeting is under the auspices of the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology and the Hellenic Foot & Ankle Society, Section HAOST.

Additionally, distinguished members of the Balkan Foot and Ankle Society have been invited as speakers.

This meeting is designed to provide a thorough knowledge update on the Foot and Ankle problems, analyzing topics such as ankle arthroscopy, F&A fractures, and congenital and acquired deformities of the foot.

An expertise faculty will embark on a special session for Total Ankle Replacement also.

On the first day (Friday the 17th), esteemed faculty will share their experience with junior doctors on current Foot and Ankle problems, diagnosis, and treatment, through a combination of lectures and live surgery at Naousa’s General Hospital.

A lesson for ultrasound F&A blocks and hands-on sawbones will also happen.

We are looking forward to your warm participation as we are more than confident that you will join this meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you,

Best regards,

Alexandros Eleftheropoulos MD

Foot and Ankle Orthopaedic Consultant
Head of Orthopaedic Department
Naousa’s General Hospital
Central Macedonia, Greece

President of Hellenic Foot & Ankle Society
Secretary-General of HAOST