

Dear participants,

It is with great pleasure and honour to welcome you to Hellenic Food Authority’s (EFET) scientific conference entitled “Risk Assessment and Ranking of Risks in European Food Safety Systems”, which is under the framework of collaboration of Focal Points with EFSA.

The conference aims to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and experience among scientists in the MSs and gather information on the scientific approaches and implemented methodologies to rank and prioritize food related risks.

This knowledge will stimulate interactions and collaborations regarding the improvement of the current approaches for the monitoring of risks in the food chain.

For the scope of the event, experts from other MSs have been invited to present their implemented methodologies and experts from EFSA and Greek universities to cover risk ranking related topics.

We consider your participation honorable and decisive for the success of the conference, and we hope to meet your expectations in the best possible way.

Yours sincerely,

Chair of the Management Board of EFET
Prof. Antonios Zampelas