PRIVACY POLICY OF AttendPro Mobile Application ------------------------------------------------------------ The use of the application requires submition the user's email to check if the user is registered for an event through the website. It is required to enter the authentication code sent to the registered email. The personal program configured by the user is stored on the Projector Company server. This data will not be used by the developer and the company and will never be submitted to any 3rd party. The use of the Q&A web based application requires the registration of a name by the user, as well as the questions submitted by the user are stored on the Projector Company server and are public to be read by anyone using the Q&A tool. Any other 3rd party website that is opened through the in-app browser depends on the privacy policy of each website. The applications guarantees that there are no hidden features within the app that collect or transfer any personal or public data. The application will never ask for any other private or personal or even public data of yours. No other personal data, other than those mentioned in this statement, is collected from the use of the application.