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Nicotine pouches represent an oral, smokeless tobacco harm reduction product with a safety profile very similar to pharmaceutical nicotine formulations. Their availability in a variety of strengths and flavours represents a potentially important tool in the arsenal of the tobacco cigarette-alternative options that smokers, particularly those unable or unwilling to quit with currently-approved methods, might need in order to partially or completely substitute for smoking. However, as with all harm reduction products, appropriate regulation is key in determining whether pouches will become a valuable addition to the smoking control strategy or a wasted opportunity. In this webinar, we will discuss the current situation and trends in international legislation concerning nicotine pouches, and the appropriate pathway to find the balance between exploiting all intended benefits and avoiding unintended harms on an individual and population level.

Meet our speakers:

Introductory Speech | Karl Fagerstrom, Professor Emeritus; President, Fagerstrom Consulting, Sweden

Moderator | Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH, Senior Researcher University of Patras, Greece; School of Public Health, University of West Attica, Greece; Data & Media Lab, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Discussion |
Tim Phillips,
Managing Director, Tamarind Intelligence, UK
David T. Sweanor J.D., Chair of the Advisory Board, Centre for Health Law, Policy & Ethics, University of Ottawa, Canada

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Nicotine pouches represent an oral, smokeless tobacco harm reduction product with a safety profile very similar to pharmaceutical nicotine formulations. Their availability in a variety of strengths and flavours represents a potentially important tool in the arsenal of the tobacco cigarette-alternative options that smokers, particularly those unable or unwilling to quit with currently-approved methods, might need in order to partially or completely substitute for smoking. However, as with all harm reduction products, appropriate regulation is key in determining whether pouches will become a valuable addition to the smoking control strategy or a wasted opportunity. In this webinar, we will discuss the current situation and trends in international legislation concerning nicotine pouches, and the appropriate pathway to find the balance between exploiting all intended benefits and avoiding unintended harms on an individual and population level.

Meet our speakers:

Introductory Speech | Karl Fagerstrom, Professor Emeritus; President, Fagerstrom Consulting, Sweden

Moderator | Konstantinos Farsalinos, MD, MPH, Senior Researcher University of Patras, Greece; School of Public Health, University of West Attica, Greece; Data & Media Lab, University of Peloponnese, Greece

Discussion |
Tim Phillips,
Managing Director, Tamarind Intelligence, UK
David T. Sweanor J.D., Chair of the Advisory Board, Centre for Health Law, Policy & Ethics, University of Ottawa, Canada