
Faculty / Instructors

Antonogiannakis Emmanouil

MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Director, 3rd Orthopaedic Department, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece

Brilakis Emmanouil

MD, MSc, PhD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, Consultant, 3rd Orthopaedic Department, Hygeia Hospital, Athens, Greece

Chronopoulos Efstathios

MD, Associate Professor in Orthopaedic Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Konstantopoulio General Hospital, Athens, Greece

Ditsios Konstantinos

Associate Professor of Orthopaedics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Drakou Androniki

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, 4th Orthopaedic Department, Asklipieio Voulas General Hospital, Athens, Greece

Fandridis Emmanouil

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Hand-Upper Limb and Microsurgery Department, KAT General Hospital, Athens, Greece

Feroussis C. John

MD, PhD, Senior Consultant, Head Orthopedic Department- Shoulder Surgery Unit, Asclepeion Voulas Hospital, Athens-Greece

Giannoudis Peter

MD, FACS, FRCS (Eng), FRCS (Glasg) Professor- Section Head Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgery School of Medicine University of Leeds, Editor in Chief Injury, Leeds, UK

Hantes Michael

ESSKA General Secretary, Professor of Orthopaedics, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, University of Thessalia, University Hospital of Larissa, Associate editor JBJS Case Connector, Editorial board member AJSM and KSSTA, Greece

Katzensteiner Klaus

Medical Director of the Trauma Hospital in Linz, Austria

Kessidis Ektor

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Thessaloniki, Greece

Kokkalis Zinon

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery School of Medicine, University of Patras

Kotsalis Ioannis

MD, Orthopaedic Surgeon, 1st Orthopaedic Department,Athens General Hospital, Greece

Koulalis Demetrios

Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics, 1st Orthopaedic Department
National Kapodistrian University of Athens, "Attikon" University Hospital

Kokkalis Zinon

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery School of Medicine, University of Patras, Greece

Koulouvaris Panagiotis

Assistant Professor, NKUA, 1st Orthoapedic Clinic, "Attikon" University Hospital

Mastrokalos Demetrios

Assistant Professor in Orthopaedics, 1st Orthopaedic Department
National Kapodistrian University of Athens, "Attikon" University Hospital

Mavrogenis Andreas

Associate Professor in Orthopaedics, 1st Orthopaedic Department
National Kapodistrian University of Athens, "Attikon" University Hospital

Lanz Ulrich

Orthopaedic physician and surgeon – Sports Orthopaedics
Shoulder specialist - Expert consultant for Arthrex

Papadopoulos Pericles

MD, Professor in Orthopaedics, Chairman of the 2nd Orthopaedic Department,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, G. Gennimatas Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

Papaggelopoulos J. Panayiotis

MD,DSc, Professor & Chairman, 1st Dept of Orthopedics, School of Medicine, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Skandalakis Panagiotis

MD, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Surgery Medical School of Athens, Chairman of the HHG Scientific Councils Committee, President of HEAL Academy byHHG, President of ESCAN, President of HADA, Athens, Greece

Soucacos N. Panayiotis

MD, FACS (Hon) Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery Orthopaedic Research & Education Center “Attikon"" University Hospital, Athens, Greece Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, 3rd Orthopaedic Department, K.A.T. Hospital, Athens, Greece

Savvidou Olga

MD, PhD, Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 1st Orthopaedic Department National Kapodistrian University of Athens, “Attikon” University Hospital, Athens, Greece

Sinopidis Christos

MD, PhD, Consultant Upper Limb Surgeon, A' Orthopaedic Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Saint Luke Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece

Tokis Anastasios

Orthopaedic Surgeon, Chief of Orthopaedic Department Metropolitan General Hospital

Vossos Akiviadis

Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, 3rd Orthopaedic Department, K.A.T. Hospital, Athens, Greece

Yiannakopoulos K. Christos

MD, PhD, Assistant Professor, Sports Medicine and Excercise Biology Section, School of Physical Education and Sports Science, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece